Sunday, August 25, 2013

Live Ballyhoo Pompano Beach.

Live Bait Pompano beach

Live Ballyhoo Pompano Beach.
Dolphin (mahi mahi or Dorado) fishing is a supper blast along the Atlantic coast. While they are caught in the Gulf of Mexico and southern Pacific and off Hawaii, Mexico and South America, it is the South Florida coast that is famous for live action dolphin fishing.

Dolphin AKA Mahi Mahi:
When we talk about dolphin, we are talking about the dolphin fish, known by most fishermen in Pompano Beach from their Hawaiian name, mahi mahi or by their Pacific coast name, Dorado. These fish are fast growing and they are prolific eaters. Some biologists think of them as the pit bulls of the ocean. Where two or more are gathered, there will soon be lots of bites, and these fish grow at an over whelming rate they can grow to 50 lbs in just 2 years. If you consider the fact that the average lifespan of a dolphin is five years, and that catches over 60lbs pounds are common, you can see how fast they grow.
Where to catch Dolphin in Pompano Beach
  • The mahi you pursue are in or close less than a mile out of Hillsboro Inlet. On occasion, dolphin may follow a school of flying fish or pilchareds closer to shore, but they will most surely be in 100 ft to 500 ft of water Also in the Gulf Stream. You will know when you reach the stream because of the ultra-clear, blue water under your boat. It will seem like you can see down into the water a mile or more. We call this “blue water” for a reason – it is a gorgeous, deep, clear blue.
  • When you reach the blue water, look for weeds and flotsam. Anything floating on the surface of the water will attract dolphin. They use flotsam to shade themselves from the sun. Weed lines form in a rip that can be several miles long. You will find boats trolling along both sides of a long weed line. Just get in line and follow the leader. Sometimes everyone catches fish this way and sometimes no one catches fish. That’s why they call its fishing!
  • Frigate Birds:
  • Always, always, always look for the birds. Sea birds like gulls and frigate birds follow schools of dolphin waiting for them to find a school of baitfish. You can spot a school of feeding fish by watching for a flock of diving birds. As you move to the birds, you may find that the feeding fish are not dolphin. Never mind that – just get some bait out. Larger dolphin will follow schools of other fish – like false albacore or bonito – and feed along with them.
    • The Frigate bird holds a special place in a dolphin angler’s heart. They will find and lock onto a big bull or cow dolphin and follow them high overhead for miles, waiting for them to feed. If you spot a cruising frigate bird, make an effort to stay with it for at least a while. This is where most of the really big dolphin will be caught.

    • Live bait and Fresh Bait:
      • Drift a weed line with a free lined live ballyhoo Pompano beach. Goggle eyes, or pilchards
      • Kite fish with the same live bait.
      • Find a weed line and fish with a float and live bait on the edge of the weed line.
      · Fresh Bait
      • Ballyhoo – at Aces bait and tackle – good fresh ones.
      • Nice cut chunks of ballyhoo.

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